Join OnlinePrintable Membership ApplicationWho Belongs to the BCA and Why?Membership in the Building Contractors Association of Northeast Indiana hit an all-time, 100-year record high in 2017 of 285 firms. This group of professionals includes general and specialty trade contractors, both open shop and signatory. Architects, engineers, geotechnical consultants, surveyors, and others are included under their professional category. Material suppliers and associate members, including insurance brokers, attorneys, CPAs, equipment and product suppliers, and other specialists, fill the ranks. BCA understands the symbiosis necessary for executing owners' commissions. BCA understands it takes more than contractors. It takes designers, vendors, government, and many others to be successful. And this is whom the BCA serves -- the whole group of professionals who have a part in taking a construction project from concept to completion. BCA allows for collaboration in a non-competitive environment for those involved in erecting nonresidential buildings and infrastructure in Northeast Indiana. Economic development, workforce development, safety training, legislative issues, and local governmental interaction are long-standing committees that have made real-time improvements to the system over the years. BCA lobbies legislators to keep money focused in northeast Indiana. BCA financially supports the Greater Fort Wayne's Economic Development Division and supports regional development as an investor with the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership, holding a seat on their Regional Opportunities Council. Each of the ten county-level LEDOs in the northeast Indiana region outside of Allen County is also a recipient of BCA economic development investments. |