Networking & Education Events

Event PhotoBCA is well known for producing high-quality networking events. When members attend a BCA event, they will be seeing people from the local industry, people they do business with on a day-to-day basis...and also those that they would like to be doing business with.

The Annual Golf Outing and Christmas Gala are sellout events each year with 250+ participants. The annual Spring and Fall Membership events entertain and inform, bringing an average of 175 members together for an evening of networking and socializing with their industry peers and associates.

Annual Association Events

Management and Leadership Development Programs | BCA University - BCAU
Workshops and seminars held on a variety of construction and general business topics

Construction Safety Forum
Offered Quarterly | Complimentary luncheon and workshop for contractor members’ safety staff featuring timely and informative presentations on a variety of safety and OSHA compliance topics | Safety First Sponsor: Gibson

Young Professionals Forum
Held Monthly September to May | Education and networking programs to help foster growth in members’ younger employees to expedite advancement in their careers and into positions of leadership

Safety Training
Workshops and training offered on a variety of construction safety topics, including First Aid and CPR, OSHA 10-Hour and 30-Hour Courses for Construction

Government Affairs Luncheons
Held Periodically Throughout the Year | Allows members the opportunity to interact and hear from Fort Wayne and Allen County elected officials

Indoor Golf Outing
Held in February | Fun indoor golf event to help members shake off the winter blues and connect with industry friends and associates

Spring Economic Development Luncheon

Held in March | Provides an update and overview of regional economic development activities

Spring Membership Dinner
Held in April | Awards banquet featuring presentations of the BCA Excellence in Construction Awards and the Safety Excellence Awards

Sporting Clay Shoot Benefit
Held in May | A benefit to support the Construction Family Assistance Foundation

Annual Golf Outing
Held in June | Very popular golf outing that attracts a sellout each year

Summer Bash
Held in August | Networking event to bring BCA’s regular and young professional members together for an evening of fun…”Building Bridges Between Generations”

Scholarship Bass Tournament
Selected Friday in September | 100% of the proceeds from this unique event are directed to the BCA Scholarship Fund to cover college tuition for local students of construction

Fall Membership Mixer
Held in Fall | Annual membership event with mixer format, dinner, and special program

Fall Economic Development Luncheon
Held in Fall | Provides an update and overview of Indiana’s (statewide) economic development activities

Christmas Gala
Held in December | One of our most popular events with 300+ members in celebration of the holiday

Upcoming Events